
Quality Standard

We provide the best possible quality of teaching pedagogy and supportive infrastructure system which is on par with the global quality standards.


  • Inspiring each other
  • Inspiring the love of learning
  • Inspiring confidence
  • Inspiring to be the change
  • We strive to unlock the unlimited potential of entire sloka group.



  • Respect for individuality
  • Respect for community
  • Respect for diversity
  • Respect for our environment

At sloka Teachers and children treat each other with respect to reinforce positive relationships between them.



  • Caring for self
  • Caring for each other
  • Caring for social, emotional, and academic needs of all students.
  • Caring for global community.
  • We strive to act empathy and kindness towards each other and the changing world around us.



  • Joy of learning
  • Joy of teaching
  • Joy of discovering
  • Joy of connecting with our school, our community and the world around us.
  • We strive to harmonize hard work, achievement and fun.


Social Responsibility

We understand the importance of teaching children how to involve in community activities to make a positive impact to the society.

Social Responsibility

Integrity and Ethics

Everything we do should reflect honesty, fairness and responsibility.

  • Integrity in academics
  • Integrity in human relations
  • Integrity in decision making
  • We strive to be guided by strong moral principles in all that we do.

Integrity and Ethics


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